Skinners Corner

No matter how good your Taxidermist may be, he needs your help to do the best job possible. The process of creating an excellent trophy mount begins as soon as the animal is on the ground. What you do from that moment until you get your skin to the taxidermist will determine the quality of the finished work. Here we talk to you about how to properly prepare skinning facilities and treat your skin and before taking it to your Taxidermist, from salting pits to storage.


  • A smooth surface (concrete floor or wooden board) with a 5° slope to allow for proper drainage of fluids drawn out of the skin by the salt
  • Protect the salting area from predators or vermin
  • Change salt regularly to avoid the salt from becoming old and “slushy” looking, this is a sign that it must be exchanged
  • Halophytic bacteria is an organism that grows in high concentrations of salt when the moisture content is too high (15% +) in the salting area, it results in an irreversible pink stain on the skins it comes into contact with.
  • Salting pits in a humid area must have proper ventilation.
  • Salt pits can be raised from the concrete floor with pallets, this is recommended to promote better drainage and ventilation for the bottom skins in the pile.
  • Wash skins in a solution of F10-CL.
How It Works


  • Construct drying racks with untreated timber. Never use tarred or creosoted timber. Nails or bolts used must never come into contact with the skulls – rust stains are usually irreparable.
  • Dry skulls direct sunlight if the weather permits.


  • The store room/area must be cold, completely dry and well ventilated. Dampness causes mildew and decay, so ensure that it is completely dry.
  • Skins must be protected from carnivores, insects and rodents. Use the correct chemicals to assist.
How It Works
Life-form Taxidermy